Go through the Crying Newborn Baby List of 5 things to check when your newborn is crying and you will find the problem and the solution at once.
If your baby does not have acid reflux or colic, follow this list. Seek out your doctor or pediatrician’s help if you have questions about your babies crying.
Moms, your body is amazing. Not only did your beautiful body create a tiny baby in 9 (but we all know it’s technically 10) months, but you endured through their birth (whether vaginal or c-section)! Celebrate your body and the miracle it has created!
The journey of motherhood, from the brand spanking new mom to the adjusted fourth time mom, has an upheaval of emotions. You pretty much experience all the emotions multiplied by 10 (thanks to those postpartum hormones coursing through your body) and then multiplied again by the lack of sleep you are getting.
It’s safe to say most moms invest in their favourite coffee machines. We’re all in survival mode, but don’t worry this phase will pass.
To get through survival mode you need the right equipment (hello, coffee) and checklists, well that is what hikers and hunters do when they are handling extreme conditions… parents need the same preparations to take care of our babies.
My go-to checklist, that used to be on a piece of paper stuck to the wall above the change table, but it’s now ingrained in my brain and I take it everywhere.
Here are the 5 things to check when your newborn is crying:
Your newborn baby is hungry. Their teeny tummies can’t hold a lot of milk, so this may be the solution most of the time. Don’t worry before you know it you will know exactly what their hunger cues look like, and be able to feed them before they become difficult.
Your newborn baby needs to burp. Every time you feed your baby, follow up by gently patting their back until they let their air out from gulping down their milk or formula (be prepared with a burp cloth or blanket in case some liquid comes up too…). Or if they have been crying for a long time, again gently pat their back until they burp.
Your newborn baby has a dirty diaper. If you find your baby commonly has a diaper rash, they may have super sensitive skin (mine all did) and Vaseline doesn’t do the trick. I found an extra strength diaper rash cream at our grocery store that protected and healed their skin, I highly recommend it!
Your newborn baby is overtired. This is the most difficult one, notably as they get older. Because instead of nodding off to sleep, they may become more fussy and cry more causing them to be overtired. Babies can be cranky, but if all their needs are taken care of let them lay in their safe bed while they give into their exhaustion. Creating a calm environment will also help them fall asleep easier, the less stimulation the better.
Your newborn baby needs to be held. You will know your baby best, if they need snuggles give it to them. But if it’s their nap time and they need to get some sleep try swaddling them. I was the worst at swaddling using a traditional swaddling blanket, but I discovered different swaddlers (and then they will grow into sleep sacks) that require no special technique and they were life savers!
Read more about motherhood with this sweet babe:
Breastfeeding & Bottle Feeding Journey | Activities For Your 3-4 Month Old Baby | Being A Girl Mom | Stroller Reviews
What things do you check when your baby is crying? What helps them the most to get back to sleep?
If you like this post, check out my 5 Must-Have Essentials For Your Newborn To Sleep Through The Night post before you go!
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