It wasn’t until 2 weeks ago, when I was 27 weeks pregnant, that I decided to finally pack my hospital bag. After having 3 babies already I thought I would have some sort of idea to what I would need but honestly every single time I need to google what to put in my hospital bag! I needed to find the perfect hospital bag checklist for Canadian moms!
Thankfully, when I was pregnant with my first born we lived 2 blocks away from the hospital so I was not worried if I was missing something – my husband could run back to our home and get it. This is now my fourth baby and my hospital bag is essentially the same as it was the first time! I had cross referenced a bunch of hospital bag lists and created one that worked well for me.
The only things I left out on my minimalist hospital checklist is any entertainment or extras you want to bring to the hospital with you.
With my first and second babies I did not bring my camera or laptop – it was an intense 24 hour labour and delivery with my first, and an equally as intense 14 hour labour with my second. But with my third I was induced and opted for the epidural as soon as I was 3cm dilated, so it was quite relaxing to be able to have our laptop to watch movies while I was labouring.
So, depending on what kind of labour you’re going to have depends on what extras you want to bring to help you through it!

Click here for a black & white Hospital Bag Checklist print out for you to add to your hospital bag!
What do you need to bring to the labour and delivery wing in your hospital bag?
For my hospital bag toiletries, I mostly bring skin care products – I never have worn make-up during labour or have wanted to put it on after to leave the hospital. I bring my skin care routine in travel sized containers I bought online, my own shampoo and conditioner, a loofa, razor, hair brush, and hair ties.
I’m more comfortable knowing that I can go home and lay down on my bed and not get make-up all over my sheets.
In the photos above you may notice I also have a Haakaa manual breast pump – this is the first time I am bringing either other them. I have heard excellent reviews of using the Haakaa breast pump to collect the milk that leaks out of your other breast as you feed your baby, so I am going to test them out and write a review later on about it!
What do you need to bring to the hospital for dad?
I also let Matt, my husband, pack his own stuff for the hospital. Though we learned after the first baby that they keep the labour and delivery units quite chilly, and he highly recommends to any dads-to-be to bring a sweater.
Now for the fun stuff – what do you need to bring to the hospital for baby?
I have never needed to bring diapers, but I do pack them in my hospital bag just in case! The hospital provides plenty of diapers, wipes, and vaseline for your baby’s hospital stay.
What are Vitamin D Drops? They are daily vitamins in liquid form that you will be giving to your newborn to prevent jaundice. You will be asked by your postpartum nurse, doctor or pediatrician if you’ve been giving the drops to your baby so you might as well do it from the start!
This time I am having a summer baby so the baby clothes are very different from when I packed for my late October babies. I have packed 2-3 onesies, a long sleeper, and a short sleeper because it completely depends on my baby’s size (length, chubbiness) and the weather that day.
Then I have a couple swaddle blankets, a knit blanket, and a car seat cover (I only use it if it’s blustery or raining, it comes off in the car so there’s plenty of airflow).
I included a checklist for any paperwork that needs to come to the hospital: ID, provincial health card, health insurance papers or card, cash (especially change for parking or the vending machines), and your doctor’s notes.
Typically in Canada, you will register beforehand and mail it into the hospital but if it’s preterm labour don’t worry about it! Just make sure you get the hospital as soon as possible, and your doctor’s notes will be sent over and you will just have to register at the hospital.
Did I miss anything in my hospital bag checklist for Canadian moms? Let me know what you like to pack in a comment below!
If you like this post, check out my Things No-One Tells You About Giving Birth post before you go!
Make sure you pin this post on Pinterest so you can come back to it later!

So random but I would add a pen (to fill out paperwork because the nurses are quite protective of their pens!) and a reusable water bottle or travel mug. I was constantly thirsty and what with being a little unsteady right after birth it’s much easier than walking around the halls with a full styrofoam cup!
So random but I would add a pen (to fill out paperwork because the nurses are quite protective of their pens!) and a reusable water bottle or travel mug. I was constantly thirsty and what with being a little unsteady right after birth it’s much easier than walking around the halls with a full styrofoam cup!