New mom? Second time mom? We all need some sort of way to prioritize taking care of ourselves and our babies with a balanced baby sleep schedule 6 months and beyond.

For those who are stumbling upon this baby sleep schedule 6 months post, hello! I am Hannah, a stay at home mom of 4 kids. My children’s ages range from 6 years old to 6 months old. All 4 of my kids are just under 2 years apart and that makes life very busy, but full of love!
Make sure you follow me on Instagram for all my mom hacks and random unpopular opinion Instastories.

I am naturally person that thrives on routine, and while I know not everyone prefers to have their days mapped out, it’s a must when you have a new baby or have more than one kid.
Obviously, it is hard to find your own routine with taking care of your children and yourself, but it can be done! It all starts with figuring out what things you are flexible on and what things you want to prioritize.
Below you’ll find my daily routine – that includes my 6 month old babies sleep and feeding schedule, and my toddlers sleep and eating schedule.
I am a Canadian lifestyle blogger and have the flexibility to work when I want to – which is an amazing blessing when I was freshly postpartum trying to find my footing in the huge amount of doctor visits, immunization appointments in the first 6 months.
Everyday there is flexibility to my morning and afternoon routines, and the 3 things I try to prioritize for taking care of myself every day is reading my bible, working out, and showering. But there are always days that one or two do not happen because of impromptu events or appointments – it’s all about going with the flow!
Morning Mom Routine With 4 Kids
- 6:30-7:00 AM – Wake up and nurse baby
- 7:00-7:30 AM – Kids eat breakfast, and get ready for school
- 8:00 AM – Bus drop off
- 8:15-9:00 AM – Breakfast for mom, playtime for kids and baby
- 9:15 AM – Nurse and naptime for baby
- 9:30 AM – Snacktime for toddler and preschooler
- 9:30-10:00 AM – Reading and quiet playtime for kids, bible reading and coffee for mom
- 10:00-10:30 AM – Activity time (play dough, rice sensory bin, colouring, printing books), and free time for mom to work or relax
- 10:30-11:00 AM – 1 or 2 educational kids shows (our favourite Netflix kids shows include Wild Kratts, Ask The Story Bots, PJ Masks, Octonauts, Charlie’s Colorforms City, and Super Why)
- 11:00 AM – Baby wakes from nap and nurses
- 11:30 AM – Lunch time for toddler and preschooler
- 12:00 PM – Naptime for toddler
Afternoon Mom Routine With 4 Kids
- 12:00-1:00 PM – Playtime for preschooler and baby, mom works out at home and gets ready
- 1:00PM – Nurse and naptime for baby
- 1:00-2:30 PM – Activity time for preschooler, and free time for mom to work or relax
- 2:30 PM – Baby and toddler wake up from naps
- 3:00 PM – School pick up
- 3:30 PM – Nurse baby
- 3:30-5:00 PM – After school chores, playtime for kids, mom starts preparing dinner
- 5:00 PM – Dinner, baby eats baby cereal
- 5:30-6:00 PM – Clean up, playtime
- 6:00 PM – Baby nurses and bedtime routine
- 6:30 PM – Kids bedtime routine
- 7:00-11:00 PM – Free time for relaxing and/or working for mom
For my schedule, my 6 month old baby currently takes 2 naps for a total of 3 hours during the day and 12 hours at night. We have been introducing baby cereal for the past month, and as soon as I start to increase the amount (little by little) the amount of nursing session will decrease.
I hope you find my stay at home mom schedule inspiring for figuring out your own! Having a schedule is not only great for me, but it helps my toddler and preschooler be able to become independent with playtime and preparing for the future in kindergarten.
Are you a stay at home mom with a 6 month old baby? How do you stay organized?
If you like this post, check out my Stay At Home Mom Schedule With 3 Kids post (from the summer when I was pregnant with my 4th) before you go!
Make sure you pin this “baby sleep schedule 6 months old” post on Pinterest so you can come back to it later!