I know how hard it is to make mom friends, especially if just moved to Edmonton or any city, but the beauty of social media is that it’s super easy to connect with moms in Edmonton or anywhere around the world! One of the ways I connected and found new Edmonton moms to be “Instagram friends” and then eventually real life friends is through local YEG hashtags.

If you’re not a hashtag savvy, this will be groundbreaking for you to connect with other Edmonton moms!
Hashtags, if you have no idea how they work, bundle your Instagram posts with other people who have used the same hashtag. And it doesn’t just limit yourself to finding other moms in your area – if you’re looking for Edmonton restaurant inspiration, or to find a new Edmonton blogger to follow, or to discover local Edmonton small businesses to support – hashtags will connect you with whatever your heart desires!
The best Edmonton hashtags are not even all “motherhood” oriented either, it’s about getting to know the city of Edmonton and eventually you’ll find moms or women who you connect well with online.
The best hashtags to connect with Edmonton moms are:
Of course, there are always people you don’t want to be liking or commenting on their posts (like boudoir shoots, international men, and spam MLM accounts) using these local hashtags too so be aware that not everyone is an Edmonton mom who is using that hashtag – just don’t engage with them and move on. You’ll see what I mean eventually!
What I also love about using hashtags on Instagram is that you can follow the hashtags individually so that if someone publishes an Instagram post with that hashtag you will see it in your main Instagram feed.
I find it helps me connect even more with moms in Edmonton when I have limited time to go out to the playground (because who wants to go to the playground in the middle of winter), mom groups, play groups, or your child isn’t in school yet.
What are your favourite ways to meet new people in Edmonton?
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